Monday, April 7, 2008

Month One

Dear Luke,

Happy one month birthday little boy! It is hard to believe a month has passed already. We have come a long way in a short time. The day we brought you home from the hospital was a very scary one. I remember standing in your room, minutes after you came home with tears running down my face. I didn’t have a clue how to be a mommy. Each of your cries struck me like a blow to the stomach!

As the days have passed, I’ve learned more and more about what you like and how to make you happy. You love to be rocked in the rocking chair. You want to be swaddled and held tightly and rocked just as quickly as possible. Your favorite sound is a strong “shhhhh” in the ear. You think tummy time really stinks. You usually “squawk” (as daddy calls it) quite a bit. I have managed to get you to do some tummy time in your boppy or while hanging out on my belly. With some effort, you can turn your head from side to side. You have a real strong interest in pictures around the house and the ceiling fan. The only way I could get any make-up on for two weeks, was to get your tummy full, put you in front of the ceiling fan, and make a mad dash to the eye shadow. You hang out with me mostly at night. You spend some time in the swing sleeping and rack out with me quite a bit too. You have your days and nights straightened out now. Some nights you will sleep up to 10 hours, just waking every couple to eat and then go right back to sleep. There are also nights where I have to rock you for a very long time before I can put you down. Just when I think you are asleep, I creep over to the swing or pack & play. When I try to put you down, your eyes usually spring open and you look at me with eyes that say, “you weren’t REALLY going to put me down were you?” Our favorite thing to do is to pick you up after you have been sleeping for a long time. You stretch your little body out and make about 46 different hilarious faces before you start to really open your eyes. Sometimes you are a gassy little guy. You had a particularly bad night this last week and screamed for about 6 hours. Daddy said that one of your “poots” was longer than “Stairway To Heaven”. Thank goodness you felt better by bedtime. It was a very long day.

I’ve been off with you for a little over four weeks now. I wish it could go on forever. I love watching you do new things every single day. I love you more than you will ever know. Happy one month of being here.


The top photo is a picture taken just a few hours after birth. I thought I would take his picture next to this monkey every month to see how he has grown. He is almost the same size as that monkey right now.