Monday, July 7, 2008

Month Four

Dear Luke (Wookie),

Babe, you have been Wookie in this house for the past four months. If you need speech therapy one day because of it, I know a good one. I apologize if I have compromised your young phonetic inventory.

Summer finally arrived! I am off with you every single day. It took a little adjusting to get back into the swing of things. You cried quite a bit the first week because I forgot what your routine was. Now, I know you only like to be up for 2 hours and then you need a nap or you get angry and get all over my back.

You had a couple of weeks where you were up at 4:00 a.m. You woke up starving and acted like you were ready to devour anything in your path. We decided to start you on cereal a little early. I mixed some into your bottle and you immediately started sleeping longer. You act so hungry sometimes we wonder if we should skip right to feeding you steak!

You have had many play dates this last month. You love to look at other children and watch them play. You are becoming more aware of your surroundings which makes it easier to entertain you.

I still get a kick out of watching you study your hands. You try to get them up close to your mouth but you don’t have the best aim. Usually, you just stick your tongue out further and further until you can get to them, which kills me.

You have started laughing just a little. You rolled over one time on July 5th. You slept a record setting 12 hours on July 6th!!! You have the biggest toothless grin I have ever seen. You try to talk but when that isn’t working, you communicate very clearly with your cries. You still love to look at books and more recently you have taken to looking at Sports Illustrated while in the bathtub.

We still have a couple of months of summer left. There are many fun plans in the future. I can’t wait to share my time with you.


Month one...

Month two...

Month three...

Month four...