Thursday, August 7, 2008

Month Five

Dear Luke,

I can’t get over how the last five months have flown by! I’ve been so lucky to be able to hang out with your during most of it. That time is coming to an end as I get ready to go back to work in a couple of weeks. I’m still in denial and trying not to think about it too much.

You had your four month appointment. You were in the 95th percentile for weight at 18.4 pounds and the 90th percentile for height at 26.5 inches. You are quite the little chunk. You got more shots at this appointment. You always cry just a bit but you recover very quickly. I think you are going to grow up to be a tough little guy.

You have always been so aware of your hands. Now you have discovered your feet. When you are on your back you immediately grab your feet and struggle with all your might to get them to your mouth. It is a bit of a challenge due to your growing belly but you can get your big toe in your mouth every now and again. You rolled over several times for a couple of weeks and then you suddenly stopped. I think you have learned early how to start to make me worry. We are still working on rolling but you just don’t seem that into it. You can sit up a little and are improving at your stability weekly. You giggle when your thighs are tickled and when someone gets your neck. You are quite the drooler and usually leave a puddle wherever you go.

You have started eating a little from a spoon daily. It has really taken some work but you are getting the hang of it. We started with cereal. Your face led me to believe that cereal tastes like glue so we quickly moved on to sweet peas. We are going to try all the veggies and then move on to some fruits here soon. You have really become routine with your bottles and take about four a day. This has made life so much simpler.

You can now hold light toys in your hands. I can even distract you with toys or a goofy face when you are fussy. You also love long walks at night. You don’t sleep during our walks as much as you once did. Now, you kick your feet up in the stroller and wiggle your toes. Some nights we walk up to an hour and a half together. I’m really going to miss those long walks when the weather starts to change.

Daddy said the other night, “he just gets more stuff every single day”. We were sitting around just staring at you in total amazement. Each day you do something new. It is hard to believe, but you truly get more awesome with each passing day. I may have to pay a little more attention now that I am going to have fewer hours with you each day. I’m going to try my best to not miss a thing, though.


Month One...

Month Two...

Month Three...

Month Four...

Month Five...