Friday, November 21, 2008

Baby's First Projectile Vomiting

Yes, you read that correctly. I have been on hiatus while taking care of a sick baby. Luke came down with a nasty bug about a week ago. It has been a roller coaster ride. He has been very sick to his tummy and hasn't wanted to drink much at all. That landed us in the pediatric ER yesterday. They gave him a bag of fluids and some anti-nausea medication. It has helped quite a bit. Today he has finally started to drink a little pedialyte mixed with gateorade.

You can't put a sick baby in the corner and quarantine him. You gotta give a sick baby lots of cuddles and lovin'. So, Matt and I also got the crud too. It has been one very long week here at the Patterson household. I would stay far away for a while. Make sure to come armed with hand sanitizer when you dare!