Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Month Ten

Dear Luke,

You have now been on the planet ten months. This has been a month of fun firsts. We celebrated Christmas many times with many different family members. Aunt Megan came in from Alaska to visit you for the first time. Uncle Tony came back into to town to hang with you for several days. You can’t get enough of either of them. They think you are pretty special. You woke up Christmas morning with your first cold. I was sure that you were going to be cranky and sleepy because of all the sniffles. You proved me wrong (yet again). You partied harder than ever! You skipped all opportunities for a nap that day and only snoozed for about 20 minutes. I was astonished! It seemed you didn’t want to miss a thing.

Grandma discovered four teeth popping through the top. I have been amazed at your disposition. You have displayed a drooling smile through it all. You like to wave now. You can’t seem to wave enough at times. There are moments where I catch you waving at yourself in the high chair. You have started to imitate some movements. You love to lean really far one way and then really far back the other way and see if you can get others to imitate you.

You will try to eat anything if I cut it into small bites. You tried black-eyed-peas on New Year’s Day (mommy’s good luck superstition). You recently ate beans while daddy gave me the stink eye for introducing them to you. You ate two shreds of lettuce which means you have eaten twice as much as daddy has in his entire life. We broke out the sippy cup and tried to get you to drink juice or even melted popsicles from it. You wanted NOTHING to do with it. You got to the point where you just smashed your lips together and threw your head to the side each time I brought it out. I worried and worried for a few days about if you would ever get the hang of it. I’m giving it a break for a while because everyone assures me that you will not be 30 and drinking from a bottle. That is, unless you prove to be the most stubborn baby in the entire world (which could be possible since you are indeed daddy’s boy).

There are a million little tidbits that I could and should write about you but I find myself constantly running out of time these days! I sure did enjoy my Christmas break off with you. Those days of sleeping in and watching your every single move throughout the day are gone until spring break. I was swimming in a puddle of tears the first day back at work when I dropped you off at Grandma’s house. She keeps me posted on your every move though. She said yesterday that you two laughed and laughed all day. You thought it was particularly funny to bite the spoon and tease her during lunch. When I picked you up she had her knee pads out because she chases you all over the house on her hands and knees!

Your daddy says he loves you very much and loves watching all the new stuff you do every single day. He loves to get you down and tickle you until you run completely out of breath. We both agree your laugh is the best sound we’ve heard in our lives. We love you very much and can’t wait to see what new things you do in this new year!

Mama and Daddy

Month one...

Month two...

Month three...

Month four...

Month five...

Month six...

Month seven...

Month eight...

Month nine...

Month ten...