Friday, February 6, 2009

Month Eleven

Dear Luke,

One of my students asked me the other day how old you were. I told her you were almost 11 months. She said, "oh he is zero then". I guess this is your last month of being zero. One year went by in the blink of an eye!

This month you have started dancing. You really get in a groove when we crank the nursery rhymes. It is hilarious to see you bop up and down. You wave now not only to imitate but to tell those you love good-bye which is seriously the most heart crushing thing EVER. Daddy taught you to give a high five this month. You now give a gentle high five whenever we ask for one. It is pretty darn sweet.

You feed yourself. You love to eat cheerios and other bite sized morsels. You move the food very slowly to your mouth and at times move your head and mouth around to find the food...which tickles us. Roscoe is quite excited about all of this self-feeding. He loves to sit anxiously by your side while you eat.

You are not pulling up or cruising yet. People are asking me all of the time if this is happening. I am just fine with how mobile you are because I know before long you will be running circles around me. I'm enjoying the pace you are moving along quite well. What I think is amazing is how most babies try to pull up on objects first before they stand on their own. You are SO sure of yourself. You try to stand all by yourself in the middle of a room! You haven't made it to the standing position yet but I wouldn't be surprised if this is the way you finally stand for the first time. You are a pretty independent little guy.

I'm not sure if I have heard any true words come from your mouth yet but you are really trying to talk to us. When we say something you often respond right back with a "ba" "ta" or a "da". I could have sworn twice yesterday you said "hi" to me when I said hi. Grandma is sure you have said all sorts of words like "pot", "blind", "hot", and "ball". You two sure have your own language. You talk all day long with her.

Thank you for another wonderful month. We have a birthday party in the future for you. I can't wait to celebrate your birth because it is the happiest thing I have ever had to celebrate.

Love you very much,
Mama and Daddy

month one...

month two...

month three...

month four...

month five...

month six...

month seven...

month eight...

month nine...

month ten...

month eleven...