Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Month Thirteen

Dear Luke,

I have debated over how to carry on the month to month notes. I think the monkey pictures are finished. They served a nice purpose to demonstrate your growth during the first twelve months. Now, it is clear that you can totally kick that monkey's tail. You are so much bigger than him! I think I'll just add a random monthly picture and talk about some of the fun things you are doing. I have to keep up the monthly details of your life because it is going just entirely too fast. I am so glad that I have kept tabs on each month. I can't help but keep it up! Also, it is one of the few things in my life that I seem to keep doing on time. That has to be a good thing!

This month you are constantly proving how brilliant you are. You know SO many words. Our favorite game is to ask you where things are and see if you look in that direction. When you do we go BANANAS. At the end of the night the three of us sit on the couch together and read tons of books. Afterwards we review different things around the room to see if you know where they are. We call it our review and I look forward to it all day long. It is so fun to see things clicking for you and the wheels in motion. You are so smart. Your expressive vocabulary has really taken off this month. Grandma says you say a million words for her daily. She said you said "sink" today. She also said you labeled "juice" yesterday. She laughs because Pop and I give each other a look like did he really say those and she INSISTS that you do. She tells me all of the words you have said for her each day and it is AMAZING. You two have your own little language and you talk all day long. It is so fun to hear about. I know for a fact that I have heard you say "book, blankie, balloon" and "ball". These words of course come out only as a /b/ and a vowel but they are still very much words. I'm so proud of you!

You are now climbing up on some things. Your favorite game to play with me is to climb up on the treadmill. You wait until I come pull you off and put you back on the ground. I am constantly worried that you are going to roll off over on your head. You think this game is hilarious. You will climb up on the treadmill 50 times and never tire.

You have learned to share at a very early age. Grandma eats lunch with you each day. She says when she has finished her meal you look at her plate and try to give her bites off of your plate. She tells me this each time and gets tears in her eyes. You are a very sweet boy. You also have become Roscoe's best friend. You love to drop bites of food down to him. Sometimes you will ask for more just to give to him. He was walking around the kitchen with a dried cranberry on his head the other night.

You lean if for kisses and it is the sweetest thing ever. This month I would ask for kisses and you would lean in and I would squeal and go crazy and you would shake your head all around and act wild while laughing. I have never felt happiness like that. I thought my heart would explode. Wow, I have worn you totally out kissing this month but I still sneak a few in every now and again. There is nothing better in life.

You have made out lives so fun. You keep us on our toes constantly. Sometimes it takes two of us to change your diapers. Daddy has to pin you down while I get in and scrub. You roll like a maniac. You don't like to sit still for long at all. It is also often a two man job getting your eight teeth washed. Daddy has been observed to even dance to get you to cooperate long enough to clean your pearly whites. These past few days I have taken on a new approach and just man handle you and hold you down. That has been miserable but it gets the job done. We will see how the next month goes with that. Our house will never be the same and I'm so thankful for it. The other day Daddy asked me if there was supposed to be an Easter egg in the dishwasher. Oh the fun we have!

We love you little thirteen-month-old sweet baby boy!
Mama and Daddy