Thursday, May 7, 2009

Month Fourteen

Dear Luke,

You are an amazing talking boy! You are saying so many things now. You are surprising us constantly. Daddy taught you to say “all right” (really drawn out and cute). You crawl around the house just randomly saying this phrase often. Some of the words you say now are: eat, ball, dog, hot, hat, bink, blank, brush, bottle, balloon, plant, book, eyes, more, up, juice, duck, and milk. Now some of these words are missing some syllables or consonants but I know EXACTLY what you are saying when they come out of your wonderful little mouth. You have started signing a little too. You sign eat, more, all done, and daddy taught you the sign for TOUCHDOWN.

You have learned some body parts. You can point to your toes, eyes and nose. You love to point out our eyes and gouge your sweet little fingers into our orbs while saying EYES, EYES, EYES, EYES!

At the end of the night before bed, daddy and I sit down and read to you on the couch. This is our favorite part of the day. We pile all of your books on the ottoman and let you pick out what book you want to read next. Each time you grab a book you sling it to one of us and ALWAYS hit us directly in the face with it. It makes the other person giggle each time. I don’t know how you have that kind of accuracy. You really seem to get a kick out of smacking us with your books. We read stacks and stacks of books while you turn the pages. At the end of our reading, we do a “test”. We ask you where things are in the room and have you point them out. You are SO proud of yourself while you point out things like plants, hats, blankets, and books. You grin and rub your eyes and I get a little sad because I know the night is almost over and you are very, very tired. I miss you while you sleep!

You like watching everyone more. You especially like watching kids. You have taken more of an interest in the children playing in the neighborhood. I know you are taking it all in and longing for the day you can run and play too. We have been going outside quite a bit. Each evening it isn’t raining has been spent outdoors. You love to watch bubbles being blown. I think you like to knock the bubble bottle over watch it roll down the hill the most, though! You like to touch every single tree we pass. We have a tiny slide in the yard now. You like to go down it and make a mad dash through the yard on your hands and knees.

You haven’t started walking yet. You are still curusing. You have started to take your hands off of the furniture though when you get distracted. You will just stand there not realizing what you are doing. Every now and then you will take a step or two to the side and then collapse. I’ve got my money on this being the month you take a step or two forward on your own. We shall see!

There could not be a more proud mother and father. You have amazed us more this month than any other month. You are learning every second of the day. It is so fun to watch. We can’t wait to teach you a few new tricks next month. I’m sure you will teach us a few tricks as well.

Much love,
Mama and Daddy