Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Under Construction (phase three)

My very awesome and patient sister came over to help me hang the border. Neither of us had ever put up a border before but she felt pretty confident we could accomplish the task. I was a little nervous because it seems like things never go quite as planned when I start these types of projects.

Exhibit one of how things don't go as planned can be viewed in the photo below. We finally worked our way around the room to discover that our pattern didn't quite piece together correctly. After some laughter, tears (mine), brainstorming (hey maybe we can hang a clock there) we patched it together and made it work pretty well.

Sis assured me again and again that you can hardly see the flaw. Well, you don't notice unless someone stands below it and points it out. I think she is actually pointing proudly at the entire border and our handy work. I choose to believe that. Anyway, the border is up and phase three is complete. Thanks Ang for being so patient and fun. The day was a success!