Friday, November 7, 2008

Month Eight

Dear Luke,

This all is going too quickly! You changed more than ever this month! We had a well baby visit this month. You now are 29 1/2 inches long, 21 pounds and 12 ounces. That places you in the 75-90% for weight and above the 95th percentile for height. That also places you in clothes that don't fit most kids your age! You are growing like a weed. You did just great with your shots but you were unhappy for several days afterwards. I think you were mad at me because you thought I betrayed you by letting the nurse stab you. You gave her the saddest lip ever afterwards. I thought she was going to cry!

You are quite the eater. You love your fruits and veggies but you hate any real solid foods so far. We tried the puffs. You make the worst vomit face ever when I give you those. Daddy said no more because it was so torturous to watch. I'm going to give it a couple more weeks and try some other finger foods.

Fall is here and we have been having a lot of fun with that. Grandma took you for a walk the other day and you collected leaves of all different colors and brought them home. She said you tried to eat most of them. This is a year of so many firsts!

You are a rolling machine now. You are never where we left you. I worried that you would never move for so I worry that you will never be still again! You can get up on your hands and knees and rock, rock, rock. You haven't made it to crawling quite yet but I anticipate that stage will be here in the next few weeks.

The cooler weather seems to help you sleep better. You are sleeping through the night so well now. You don't really ever need a binky or blankie search party called in. If we hear you through the night you fuss for a few minutes and then fall back to sleep. You seem to love tummy sleeping which I thought would have never been a possibility the way you screamed your head off for months while on your tummy! When it is time to sleep all I usually have to do is put you down in your bed with a little noise on and you drift off without any help. You are such a mellow, mellow guy. Daddy and I still wrap you up before we put you down (although you only last in the wrap for about 3 seconds). Daddy says this is his favorite time of the day. The other night we were wrapping you up and you were squealing and gurgling and kicking and daddy said, "we sure do fun stuff in this house". We sure do. It is all because of you. Thanks for being our wonderful boy.


month one...

month two

month three...

month four...

month five...

month six...

month seven...

month eight...